inflammability limits (4-75% in air), and is difficult
(sometimes dangerous) to store as a liquid.
Its principal benefits are that it would allow the
storage of energy in a post-fossil-fuel era, when electricity
is ...
In mid·
July 1977, there was a strong emergence of cicadas, Oiceroprocta apache, in the vicinity of
Tacna, Yuma County, southwestern Arizona. In this desert habitat the adult cicadas were
feeding on the sap of many ...
A monoculture forest of Pterocarpus officina/is is described in the
Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica. An area of 999 m2 contained 66
living large saplings and adults of P. officina/is; seedling density can be
as high ...
The microclimate of evergreen riparian forest along the Rio Potrero
below a large waterfall is briefly contrasted with microclimate of the
adjacent deciduous forest in the dry season and wet season. Near the '
end of ...
In mid·
July 1977, there was a strong emergence of cicadas, Oiceroprocta apache, in the vicinity of
Tacna, Yuma County, southwestern Arizona. In this desert habitat the adult cicadas were
feeding on the sap of many ...
Asamblea Legislativa C.R., Alcance 90 a La Gaceta 102 – 30 de mayo de 1978(1978-05-30)
La actividad de los entes públicos deberá estar sujeta en su conjunto a los principios fundamentales del servicio público, para asegurar su continuidad, su eficiencia, su adaptación a todo cambio en el régimen legal o en ...
It seems to be generally &ought that horses, being cursorial, intelligent, and with good vision, find their
way about largely through the use of their eyes and their memory. While there is no doubt that a horse
uses its ...
vices. As a symbiotic alternative, plants have evolved more easily obtainable food sources such as extra-floral
nectaries; these and other devices have conferred on the comparatively sedentary (and often aggressive) ants
a ...
A new non-protein amino acid, tetrahydrolathyrine (2(S)-3(2-amino-l,4,5,6-tetrahydropyrimidin-4-
yl)alanine), has been isolated from seeds of Lonchocarpus costaricensis.
A weight-loading machine was used to measure the force required to break
mature seeds of Enterolobium cyc!ocarpum. The force required to break
the seeds increases with increased weight of the seed, and seeds on the ...