dc.description.abstract |
infant health, disease prevalence and general
food availability. Its study therefore has the
potential to inform bioarchaeologists about
numerous aspects of early-life experience in the
past. In this study we present results from the
first incremental isotopic study to be conducted
in the northern Atacama Desert in Chile. This type
of analysis has allowed us to reconstruct detailed
individual life-histories, giving unprecedented
insight into the weaning transition. Using deciduous
dentition (n= 30) from the pre-agricultural
(<3500BP), incipient agricultural (3500-1500BP)
and fully agricultural (1500-400BP) periods we
aim to tease apart the factors affecting weaning
decision-making in this extremely harsh environment.
We examine isotopic profiles of children,
identifying patterns relating to both weaning and
environmental stress. We show that, despite the
presence of cultures with reported proscribed
weaning behaviour, the decision of when to wean
remained deeply individual. In almost all individuals
analysed we find isotopic patterns indicative
of physiological stress, probably reflecting the
difficult reality of life in the desert. We highlight
the interconnected nature of physiological stress
and weaning decisions, and their potential impact
on the children of the Atacama.
This research was supported by the New |
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