This chapter will mean different things to different people. Nor all ge ner;] li ..:ations
about the interface between system:uics and the user apply equally to all
taxa, to all institu tions, to all regions of the world, to 'all subsets of taxonomists.
My examples are me;]nt to clarify a point and nor to be an attack on the chosen
example. It is a safe bet that I know next to nothing about the taxonomic staTUs
of your particular taxon or your own personal efforts to all ev iate some of the
problems mentioned here. If some of the attitudes or ideas expressed here are
objectionable, instead of de sp:li ri ng, acce pt the challenge of coming up with :l
bener solution to the general problem of what to do to ensure that we don't lose
most of Tropical biod ivers iry in the next five decades.