Records of mammals are reported for the Mexican States of Campeche and Tabasco on the Yucatán Península. New distributional records inelude: Uroderma bllobatum, and Micronycteris megalotis from Campeche; and Myotis elegans, Sylvilagus floridanus, Heteromys gaumeri, and Oryzomys fulvescens from Tabasco. Additional information also is provided on the occurrence of Cryptotis nigrescens in Campeche and Rhynchonycteris naso in eastem Tabasco. Based on specimens reported in this study, the southwestemmost limit of the Yucatán Biotic Province, as it applies to mammals, is defined as that area of Tabasco north of the Sierra del Norte de Chiapas and east of the Río Usumacinta.