Hylesia lineata. a hemileucinc satumiid of the Pacific side of Central America,
is exceptional among the 30 species of satumiids of the de(:iduous forests of Santa Rosa
National Park, Costa Rica (0-350 m elevation). It passes the dry season in the egg stage,
lays all its eggs in onC egg neSt, and has strongly urticating hairs on the adult (female only).
In addition, Ihis small moth exhibits enormous fluctuations in adult density among years,
has caterpillars thaI feed on al least 46 species of plants in 17 families (but females prefer
a smaller number of species for oviposition sites), grows very slowly as a caterpillar, is
polymorphic in color as both catcrpillar and adult, and has longer male than female pupal
duration (resulting in synchronous emergence of the sexes).