Digital Repository for Área de Conservación Guanacaste, a World Heritage Place.

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    Janzen, Daniel H. (1978-12)
    vices. As a symbiotic alternative, plants have evolved more easily obtainable food sources such as extra-floral nectaries; these and other devices have conferred on the comparatively sedentary (and often aggressive) ants a ...
  • Janzen, Daniel H. (1992-11-13)
    The caprice of one large meteor hitting the earth 65 million years ago (Richard A. Kerr, Research News, 14 Aug., p. 878) is responsible for the existence of humanity. Had the dinosaurs survived, with all their capacity ...
  • Villarreal Orias, Johnny; Pereira Chaves, José; Salazar Chacón, Marlon; G. Riedl, Isabell; H. Schulze, Christian; Torres Fallas, Sonia; Coto C., Walter; H. May, Roy (2010-06)
    El primer censo de Navidad que se realiza en el Parque Nacional Santa Rosa del Área de Conservación Guanacaste, se llevó a cabo el 2 de enero 2010. Participaron 16 personas que contaron 1.175 aves distribuidas en 130 ...
  • Untitled 
    Janzen, Daniel H. (1982)
    Horses are major contemporary dispersers of guanacaste tree seeds (Enterolobium cyclocarpum) in Costa Rica, and probably were in prehistoric times as well. By placing 2-L and 8-L piles of fresh horse dung containing 5, ...

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